Ursos na China - fábricas de bílis

There are thousands of bears in dreadful captive conditions in China being used for the extraction of Bear Bile. The Chinese government has indicated that it would be willing to bring this system to a close (although this could take a long time) and one of the strategies for addressing this is to find alternative lifetime care facilities for these bears.
Bear bile is drawn off these bears through a small steel catheter inserted into the belly of the bear which is held confined in a cage. These cages are usually about the length of the animal and about 2 foot high. The bear can hardly move and may be kept in this cage for many, many years
Imaginem a vida destes animais: em jaulas que não lhe permitem movimentos, com um cateter de drenagem permanente aberto no abdomen, preso por um cinto de metal em torno deste.Bear bile is drawn off these bears through a small steel catheter inserted into the belly of the bear which is held confined in a cage. These cages are usually about the length of the animal and about 2 foot high. The bear can hardly move and may be kept in this cage for many, many years
acrescento que o produto extraido da bilis do urso é actualmente amplamente fabricado sinteticamente e disponivel em todo o mundo!
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