Shanghai Animal Olympics

Por favor envie o seu protesto ao Embaixador da China em Portugal,para o endereço:
podendo para tal utilizar a carta pré-redigida:
Dear Sir:
I am writing to you to express my concerns and horror at the recent "Animal Olympics" held at the Shanghai Wild Animal Park. Cruel and archaic events such as these reflect poorly upon modern China and serve only to tar your international image. The use of animals for entertainment is being phased out in many countries as more and more people recognise the suffering and misery of life in captivity for performing animals. In the light of the upcoming 2008 Beijing "Green Olympics", it is truly tragic that facilities such as these are still in existence. I urge you to do all that you can to encourage the Chinese Government to implement comprehensive legislation to protect both wild and domestic animals from all forms of abuse. I look forward to hearing of positive changes in the immediate future. Yours truly,
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