Circuses - Help animals leave the circus
Parece que ainda falta muito para que Portugal chegue à cauda da Europa ... ou então a Europa tem uma cauda muuuito comprida. Senão veja e decida por si:

As part of the Animal Welfare Act, new regulations on the use of animals in circuses will hopefully be considered later this year.

The RSPCA is opposed to the use of animals in circuses.
As part of the Animal Welfare Act, new regulations on the use of animals in circuses will hopefully be considered later this year.
The government in England has committed to introduce a ban on the use of certain non-domesticated (wild) species in travelling circuses.
There are just 33 wild animals left in circuses in the UK.
These are:
1 elephant, called Anne
1 black bear, called Ming
4 zebras
5 lions
5 pythons
7 tigers
10 camelsThe RSPCA is calling for a ban on the use of all the animals listed above, but also for the ban to be extended to include other species, such as polar bears, yak and alligators, which are currently used in circuses in other parts of Europe.
The RSPCA believes the circus is no place for an animal. The life for an animal in a circus consists of frequent travel, restricted movements, poor living conditions and loud noises.
LINK1 elephant, called Anne
1 black bear, called Ming
4 zebras
5 lions
5 pythons
7 tigers
10 camelsThe RSPCA is calling for a ban on the use of all the animals listed above, but also for the ban to be extended to include other species, such as polar bears, yak and alligators, which are currently used in circuses in other parts of Europe.
The RSPCA believes the circus is no place for an animal. The life for an animal in a circus consists of frequent travel, restricted movements, poor living conditions and loud noises.
photo © Born Free Foundation/David Breed/RSPCA Photolibrary
Labels: circos, justiça, liberdade, maus-tratos
Na dita cauda ele é mais anõezinhos!!!
Desculpa, não resisto, um dia destes vou roubar a foto
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