Vitoria das focas

In the 1980s, a European ban on the import of products from newborn seals brought Canada's commercial seal hunt to a virtual standstill. Tragically, the Canadian government subverted the intent of that legislation, allowing sealers to slaughter baby seals when they are just a few days older. After a brutal death, the pups' fur is traded in European fashion markets.
A European Union ban on the trade in all products from harp and hooded seals -- regardless of the age of the nanimals -- would eliminate a major market for the Canadian commercial sealing industry, and help end the world's largest slaughter of marine mammals. Now, we have to fight to ensure this resolution becomes law. Please continue to stand with us as we make sure Europe’s doors are forever closed to harp and hooded seal products. I've witnessed horrific cruelty at the seal hunt for neight years. But this recent victory gives us renewed hope for the seals, because Europeans no longer want to buy Canada’s cruel seal products. Together with the pressure of the Canadian seafood boycott, the negative consequences of the commercial seal hunt have become undeniable. The writing is on the wall for the Canadian sealing nindustry. And from here, the future looks good for the seals. For the latest on The HSUS's campaign to end the seal hunt,visit
Thank you for staying with us in our fight to abolish the cruel seal hunt forever.
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